Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Blog is Moving

I recently made a decision to move my blog to a WordPress platform operating on my web site. I have also renamed the Brice Consulting blog the Creating Above-market Value blog.

Why did I do this?
The WordPress platform offered a more dynamic environment in which to develop the Creating Above-Market Value brand. Blogger has provided valuable support for the past 2 plus years. You will find expanded features on the new blog site to support the Creating Above-market Value message.

I decided to separate Brice Consulting, my web site, from my brand concept, Creating Above-market Value.  The web site provides services that apply the Creating Above-market Value concept to solving business problems and developing higher performing organizations.  The blog is developed at expanding the discussion of Creating Above-market Value and resources that are available to readers that can apply the lessons and suggestions to their businesses.

To continue getting feed from the blog under the new name use the following:

Feed Title:  Creating Above-market Value
Original feed:

I hope those who have loyally followed me the Brice Consulting blog will now follow the Creating Above-market Value blog.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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